Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why me? Or Why NOT Me?

"Why me?" Or should I be asking, "Why NOT me? This week Pastor Ray asked me to share my testimony about God's comfort. Unfortunately, I was unable to get together with him before today's service. My first thought was, "Why me? I don't qualify to share my story. I don't have anything worth telling..." Still, I thought about what I would have said. How did God get me through all of these cancer treatments? Well, I can honestly say I would not have made it without God's help. He sent angels all around me, in the faces of my family and my friends! The treatments have been a bit scary, and the side effects are somewhat unbearable at times. God allows us to be tested to help build our character. If the devil has your soul, he won't need to bother with you because he has already won. The devil has been allowed to test me, so that I can help glorify our Lord. I don't like being ill, but I do love knowing that I'm not alone. God is always beside me, and sending so many people to support me, love me, encourage me. I thank God for each and every day.

September 27, 2008 - Sadly, my dad has gone to be with our Lord this afternoon. For over 25 years, he has been childlike after suffering a stroke. He had been mentally like a 3 year old child, with my mom as his primary care giver. For the past 3 years, he had been living in a nursing home. In the past few months, his health decined further, causing him to go in and out of the hospital. It has been hard on my siblings for they have been caring for both my dad and my mom, while I've been fighting my cancer. I am glad that I had a chance to visit him last Sunday, but I didn't know it was for the last time. Fortunately, my sister (Ada), her husband (Ed), and my dad's personal hospice nurse were with him when he passed away. His nurse said that he died the most peaceful death she'd had ever seen, and she has seen quite a bit. Praise God for that! I believe in our Lord's promise, that I will see my dad again, in heaven! "Why me", or "Why not me?" Once again, God sends his amazing angels to me when I need it most! Thank you to my family and friends for your endless love!!!

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