Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy April Fool's Day

Happy April Fool's Day!!! Did anyone trick you?

Lunch with Pat at PF Changs in Torrance. No tricks here, just good food and good company. (

After shopping and eating, Jolene and I were glad to rest on her patio. What beautiful weather we've been having lately. I'm so glad to live in Southern California.

Hank wanted to celebrate my end of radiation treatments, and for now being cancer free. So, off we went to Las Vegas, without our teens. We stayed at the Gold Coast Hotel, where they have many yummy eating places like Ping Pang Pong, Noodle Exchange, and TGI-Fridays. Being the smart shopper that he is, Hank printed out some coupons from their website (, and we ate many meals there. Tony and Leticia joined us as well. It was really great to see there warm smiles again... just like the good ol' days.

P1020958 Amber and I
P1020959 Hey Hank, are you going to share some of that food with me?!?!?

We're both hooked on TGIF's Jack Daniel's Sauce! We put that sauce on everything, from babyback ribs, steaks, fried shrimp, french fries, sliders, and the list goes on. In this restaurant, our favorite waiter was Amber. She shared with us that her mother is an 8 year breast cancer survivor. When her mom lost her hair, Amber cut off all of her hair in support, and has kept it short ever since.

As far as my hair styles go, it's been like a roller coaster ride. I went from long layered hair (which I donated to Locks of Love before my first chemo), to short boppy hair which lasted exactly two weeks when it started falling out until there was no hair at all, it grew peach fuzz (God how I miss peaches), and now I have short spiked hair. I haven't decided whether to let it grow out or to keep it short. My Sammi and Hank misses me with long hair, but Stevie and I are having so much fun with it short. Hmmm... Maybe I should take a poll on this... What do you think? Short or Long?!?!?

1 comment:

Angel said...

Grow it as long as you can get away with! If a person can they should!!!